3 research outputs found

    Designing and Building Client-Server Based Student Admission Applications

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    Admission of New Students is a routine activity organized by the Educational Institution. Early Childhood Education (PAUD) is included in out-of-school education in the age range of two to five years, the goal is to help improve physical and spiritual growth and development so that children have the readiness to enter further education. Admission of New Students to Al-Qudwah is still done using prospective students visiting Al-Qudwah and filling out the registration form with paper. New Student Admission Application at Al Quwah aims to promote the school to the community at large and can also be registered without parents of prospective students visiting educational institutions. This application makes it easy for parents of prospective students to find out the facilities and infrastructure and the information available on Al Quwah. We built this application using HTML and PHP programming languages with the PHP MySQL database and using the waterfall method

    Aplikasi Pengenalan Tarian dan Lagu Tradisional Indonesia Berbasis Multimedia

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    Keaneka ragaman adat dan budaya di Iindonesia sebagai warisan nenek moyang yang tidak ternilai harganya merupakan salah satu cerminan masyarakat Indonesia sebagai makhluk bermoral, berakal dan berperasaan. Keanekaragaman adat dan budaya Indonesia seperti upacara adat, kesenian, tari-tarian, senjata tradisional, lagu-lagu daerah dan pakaianadat memiliki nilai-nilai moral yang dapat dijadikan landasan dan diimplementasikan di kehidupan nyata. Dalam upaya melestarikan budaya Indonesia perlu adanya pengenalan tentang adat dan budaya Indonesia terhadap putra dan putri bangsa sejak usia dini agar budaya nusantara tetap lestari dan tidak hilang bahkan punah, terutama tari-tarian dan lagu nusantara yang selalu menjadi kekuatan dan ciri khas dari budaya Indonesia di mata dunia. Membangun multimedia interaktif merupakan inovasi yang tepat dalam memperkenalkan budaya Indonesia. Metode dalam pengembangan aplikasi ini menggunakan Interactive Multimedia System Design & Development Cycle secara khusus memberikan pembahasan mengenai tahapan pengembangan dan perancangan untuk sistem multimedia interaktif, hasil dari pembuatan aplikasi di uji terlebih dahulu dengan white box testing sebelum di publikasikan

    Rancang Bangun Perpustakaan Digital Berbasis Document Management System pada Fakultas Ilmu Komputer UNSIKA

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    A book is a reading tool for everyone, it is very important for an institution to keep knowledge going and generate new knowledge. In the library of the Faculty of Computer Science Unsika, one of the obstacles that is the library space where the books are less adequate and difficult to find the title of research for final students because the title should not be the same. Development of a library with Document Management System based is a method in solving the problem, it is expected to provide solutions in achieving a document management. Can accommodate all books uploaded by users, given permissions and speed in the deployment to all users. Development of this modeling tool using the method. Which is in accordance with the wishes of customers. Database storage using MySQL, Object Oriented Programming (OOP) programming language using the Code Igniter (CI) framework. Based on the results of simple random sampling of 35 respondents 86.80% say agree to the digital library. the concept of document management system required large storage media, server and good local connectivity. This function can also be a stepping stone to do research